Vision Monday's Salute to Influential Women in the Eyecare Industry

The presence of women continues to grow in the eyecare indsutry, and that is why Vision Monday highlights the difference that presence makes each year. Their July 20th issue will mark the 13th anniversary of their Most Influential Women in Optical award. 

influential women in eyecare

Here at VisionWeb we have been fortunate enough to have three members of our team honored in the past: Heather Smith (2012), Juanita Burke (2011), and Julia Crawford (2010). That is why we want to express how special this award is at recognizing women who are working to lead the eyecare industry.

Nominate Your Picks for Influential Women in the Eyecare Industry

At the beginning of this month, Vision Monday posted a news release announcing that the time had come once again to nominate talented women in the eyecare industry for their annual Special Report saluting women in the eyecare industry. 

Anyone is allowed to submit nominees via the online form and you can nominate up to two women in each of four categories:

  • Executive Suite: for the woman who leads
  • Mentors: for the woman who inspires
  • Rising Starts: for the woman who is up and coming
  • Innovators: for the woman who is a developer

These awards are designed to honor women at various levels and areas of the industry as they point the organizations they work for to the future. By highlighting the difference these women make, Vision Monday not only encourages them to continue to make a difference, but also allows them to spread their influence across the entire eyecare industry. To view past years’ honorees, visit Vision Monday's website.

If you know of an influential woman be sure to nominate her by the May 26th deadline that is quickly approaching; and while you wait for the July 20th results, you can jump in on the conversation about influential women in the industry using the hashtag #HerStory.

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