Are You One of the Most Innovative and Daring Optical Practices?

DARE-optical-practices-awardsThe time has come for Vision Monday's Annual Dispensing and Retail Excellence (D.A.R.E.) Awards! For the past three years, Vision Monday has awarded optical practices who have made innovative and daring choices for their dispensing, merchandising, and philanthropic initiatives; as well as their marketing and advertising campaigns. For the first time, the awards have a sponsor, Europa International who will assist Vision Monday with promoting and judging the contest.

The award categories will include:

  • The PDA (Public Displays of Attention) Award for Most Daring In-Store Merchandising and/or Window Display
  • The Shop it Like It’s Hot Award for Most Daring Store Design, Retail Environment, Merchandising and/or Window Display
  • The Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Web Award for Most Daring Social Media or Web Presence (including websites, social networking, and viral marketing)
  • The Sphere of Influence Award for Most Daring Community Outreach, Philanthropic, or Patient Education Program
  • The Seeing Green Award for Most Daring Eco-chievement
  • The Resistance is Futile Award for Most Daring Advertising Campaign (print, TV, or radio advertising)

In addition to these six award categories, the judges will also hand pick a selection of exceptional entries. These entries will be eligible for the We the People award. This award will be granted to the entry that receives the most reader votes on between July 1, 2013 and August 9, 2013.

The winners of the We the People and the other six awards, will be revealed in the September 9, 2013 issue of Vision Monday. In addition to the announcement, these outstanding retailers and dispensers will be highlighted throughout the year by Vision Monday and Europa on company sites and social media platforms.

To qualify for a D.A.R.E. Award the retailer or eye care provider must:DARE-optical-practices-awards

  • Be based in the U.S. or Canada
  • Have a primary business function that is the retailing or dispensing of prescription eyewear or sunwear
  • Have been continuously operating since May, 1 2012 and still be in operation

Meet all the qualifications and think you have what it takes to win? Fill out an application today. Entries are due by 11:59pm on June 14, 2013 so time is running out!

Don't meet all the qualifications? Help out starting July 1st and vote for your favorite to win the We The People award!


Enter Your Optical Practice Now!
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