6 Reasons Patients Need to Visit Their Local Optical Practice

Getting your patients to come in for their annual eye exams can sometimes be a chore. If your patients are unaware of the importance of getting a comprehensive eye exam regularly, scheduling an appointment with your optical practice will often get put on the back burner and be forgotten. One of the best ways to keep your practice schedule full is to educate your patients. Today, we want to share with you a patient focused blog post that you can share with your patients on social media to educate them on the importance of visiting your practice!

Why You Should Schedule an Appointment with Your Local Optical Practice 

When is the last time you made a visit to your eye doctor? Even if you have perfect vision, it is important to regularly schedule comprehensive eye exams. Regularly seeing an OD helps ensure your eyes stay healthy and taken care of. On top of keeping up with your own eye care, if you have children you need to be getting them to the eye doctor on an annual basis as well. Especially if you have young, school-aged children, regular eye exams help ensure that their vision is healthy and not affecting their learning.

optical practice6 Reasons to Visit Your Local Eyecare Practice

Catch Problems Early On

Having 20/20 vision doesn't mean that you are immune from irreversible eye diseases like cataracts and glaucoma, especially if it runs in your family. While many eye diseases can't be reversed, they can be treated and controlled if caught early. Visiting your eye doctor is important in managing your eye health since many eye diseases don't have visible symptoms that you can recognize on your own in their early stages.

It's About More Than Just Your Eyes

Getting your eyes examined is about more than just your eye health. When an OD looks at your eyes they can often catch other health concerns like high blood pressure or diabetes before other symptoms of these diseases begin to show. Catching any issues early on makes it easier to treat.

Customized Treatment Plan

If you aren't lucky enough to have 20/20 vision, seeing an OD is important in getting a customized treatment plan that is specific to your needs. While vision screenings can catch some basic vision problems, making the trip to your local eyecare practice means that you'll receive a fully comprehensive eye treatment plan.

Your OD will be able to fully educate you on the different products available to help you cope with your vision problems. If you decide to order your own frames or contact lenses online, you'll miss out on the professional advice that can help you find the product best suited for your specific needs.

Your Overall Comfort

Changes in your vision often happen slowly over time, meaning that they can go unnoticed. Those changes won't go unnoticed by an OD, though! You'll be surprised to see how much your overall comfort can improve even with a small vision adjustment.

Let Your Children Learn

It isn't just important for you to see an eye doctor regularly, but you should be taking your children in for comprehensive exams as well. Children should have their first eye exam at age 3. Catching vision problems in children as early as possible helps ensure their cognitive development isn't hindered. Vision is linked closely to the learning process, so get your kids into that exam room!

You'll Support Your Neighbors

Aside from health, one of the best reasons to visit your local eyecare practice is to support a local business! By getting your eyes examined, you'll be helping out your community's economy and fostering the growth of small businesses in your community.

If it's been a while since you've seen your eye doctor, schedule an appointment today; your eyes can't wait!

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