Mobility. Everything today has gone mobile. From banking to taxes, and now even healthcare and patient medical records. It's become more and more prevalent to see ODs and other healthcare providers using laptops, tablets, and smartphones in the exam room. Mobile technology allows you to stay connected with your information from anywhere. And while there is a lot of buzz around the trend of mobile healthcare, there are also a lot of questions. So we're going to talk about what other healthcare providers are doing when it comes to mobility and questions you might have when it comes to HIPAA and the security of your data.
To give you a little more definition of what we mean by going mobile with your optometry EHR, we mean using an EHR software that is cloud-based and allows you to access your system and data from any device, in any location, with an Internet connection.
While is may seem like everyone is pushing the trend in mobile, let's take a look at a few numbers. In a 2014 report by Epocrates, 84% of healthcare providers surveyed have adopted an EHR, and 32% reported that their EHR is optimized for mobile. On top of that, some of the top functions that healthcare providers are performing on mobile devices include accessing their EHR, taking notes, E-Prescribing, search, communication with colleagues, and accessing medical resources.
Having mobile access to your software comes with its benefits. Here's a few reasons why healthcare providers are excited about cloud-based EHR.
One of the biggest red flags that many ODs and other healthcare providers have when it comes to cloud-based EHR software is the concern over security. Your first step to easing this worry is to do a little research with potential vendors. Take a look at their business agreement and privacy policy which can usually be found somewhere on their website. And while your busy digging around, a few things you should keep an eye out for are service levels, service availability, data security, and data ownership. All of these topics will help you gain a better understanding of what you can expect from your EHR vendor when it comes to the security of your data.
Interested in making your practice more mobile? Check out Uprise, a cloud-based practice management and EHR software made just for optometrists!