New Webinar Series: Enhancing Patient Care with EHR Software

Dr. Ian Lane is hosting an upcoming webinar series that will walk eyecare providers through 4 different condition-based patient encounters and demonstrate how to use EHR software to provide enhanced patient care in each scenario. Whether you're currently using EHR software in your practice or if you are still on paper, this series will help you learn how to better use your software or what a new system could do for your workflow and patient experience.

Register Today for The EHR Coaching Series

Each Wednesday at Noon (CT), starting on August 17th and running
through September 7th, Dr. Lane will Dr. Ian Lanespend an hour running through a different condition-based patient encounter.

  • Case 1: Documenting Contact Lens Fittings and Follow Up Care
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  • Case 2: Documenting a Complete Patient Encounter from Scheduling to Optical
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  • Case 3: Documenting Pre and Post Op Cataract Care
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  • Case 4: Documenting Diagnosis and Treatment Initiation of Open Angle Glaucoma
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Dr. Lane is an experienced HIT executive, and an accomplished lecturer and writer with almost 30 years of extensive ophthalmic and global experience. Dr. Lane owned and operated a highly successful private practice in Anaheim, CA until choosing to devote his efforts to bringing the best practice management and EHR products to the optical industry.

"EHR software can have a big impact on the level of patient care provided to a patient, but many eyecare professionals are unsure of the benefits and simplicity of documenting specific patient cases which can result in a frustration with technology," says Dr. Lane. "A comprehensive EHR system has the potential to streamline your workflow, automate routine tasks, and ultimately drive out inefficiencies while providing the best and highest level of care to every patient."

The webinar series will cap off with a final presentation, Documenting and Managing Age Related Macular Degeneration in the EHR Era, at Vision Expo West in the Medical and Scientific Pavilion on September 16th at 11:30am. Lunch will be provided at the Pavilion for presentation attendees. 

 Join the Webinar Series

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