Optical Dispensing Tools You Need in Your Dispensary

Technology in the eyecare industry is all about making your job easier, getting things done faster, and providing simple solutions. One area of your practice that should really be embracing all technology has to offer is your dispensary. Today we want to walk you through some great optical dispensing tools that embrace technology and are sure to help your dispensary improve!

Improve Your Dispensary with These Optical Dispensing Tools

iStock_000017275806Small-1Ordering Solution

It's hard to believe some practices are still faxing or phoning in their product orders when online ordering solutions are readily available. In today's eyecare industry, online ordering is the way to go, but we think it's important to take it one step further and use a complete online ordering solution. Ordering solutions let you connect with all of your labs in one spot, so you don't have to jump around from website to website. Plus, you'll make fewer mistakes with automatic error checking alerting you to problems, and you'll be able to track your orders in real time. Your patients will love the benefits of your ordering solution too, since they'll be able to receive their products 1-2 days faster than they would with the old-school ordering methods! Plus, you'll get all of those benefits for free. VisionWeb's ordering solution is free to use for all eyecare providers!

Frame Catalogs

Frames Data is a great tool for any dispensary, and can be integrated with some practice management software. By helping with inventory management, Frames Data allows you to experiment with different sales tactics with a process they call, "Track, Test, & Implement".

You start by implementing a new sales promotion or tactic for a certain period of time. During the period, you can use Frames Data to track your frame sales as you test the new strategy. At the end of the period, you can evaluate the results by comparing the sales to previous periods. Once you evaluate the results you can then decide whether or not to implement the tactic for a longer period moving forward. This process is a great way to explore different ways to increase sales in your dispensary.

Barcode Scanning

Barcode scanning can eliminate a lot of manual work for your practice. Patients will appreciate the faster checkout process since all you'll have to do is scan the barcode on a frame and watch as the information is populated into your practice management system. This way, you won't have to worry about making a mistake by typing in the information by hand. The process of taking inventory will also improve with barcode scanning. Instead of having to manually keep track of all the frames in your dispensary, you can check your practice management system, where inventory is kept and updated automatically every time a frame is scanned. 

Fully Equipped Practice Management & EHR Solution

An easy to use, and fully equipped practice management and EHR solution helps you move from the exam process into the dispensary seamlessly. If your system is fully equipped it will come with online ordering, frame catalogs, and barcode scanning capabilities that will help your dispensary manage inventory. Inventory management allows you to see what changes need to be made to your inventory, and can alert you to theft sooner than if you were keeping inventory manually.

While learning how to use new technology tools in your dispensary can seem daunting at first, the benefits make it all worth it in the long run. Focus on the time you'll save, and how your job will be made easier with these tools, and you'll be on your way to a stronger dispensary!

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