Efficiently managing your practice's claim cycle is a very important part of your practice's overall success and revenue. If your claims...
In most eyecare practices when any employee quits it can put things into a shuffle. But what makes it even harder is when your office...
When it comes to managing something as important as the insurance claims in your eyecare practice, many people can be protective of the...
Claim rejections add work to your already busy optometric billing manager. Not to mention, they cost your practice money. While the reason...
How you manage your practice's claim performance directly effects the revenue brought into your practice. But for many eyecare practices,...
Whether you’re looking to improve the skills of your existing billing manager or trying to hire on new talent, the skills your optometric...
Managing electronic claims requires a balance among the biller, the process, and the solution used to connect the two. For optometric...
Insurance reimbursements can be a profitable source of income for your practice. But, common claim management errors could be occurring...
Managing insurance claim reimbursements is a time-consuming, error-prone task. To help optometric practices manage claims more effectively,...
Having a successful billing cycle depends a lot on the processes and systems you use in your practice to mitigate insurance claims and...
Running the billing department of an eyecare practice can be a hectic job. Whether it's too many new claims, too many rejections, shuffling...
In your eyecare practice, the insurance side of the house can be tricky business. Effectively managing your claim cycle to maximize on your...
Claim rejections can hurt your practice. When your optometric practice receives a rejected claim, your biller not only has to spend time...
Any successful practice has goals that the practice owner measures regularly to ensure that the practice is succeeding. Whether it’s new...
The requirements to work the claim management lifecycle consists of multiple labor-intensive responsibilities that your optometric billing...
It’s easy for optometric practices to get behind in managing their claim reimbursements, after all, the top goal in your practice is to...