With almost every business utilizing social media these days, you have a lot of online competition. So staying ahead of the pack when it...
When it comes to Meaningful Use and optometry EHR software there are a lot of terms and acronyms thrown around. Some you might know and...
We know that not everyone has the technology background to understand everything when it comes to cloud-based software, cloud-hosted...
We know that optometry insurance billing can be a frustrating and time-consuming task in any office. So we wanted to put together a list of...
As we are now over 40 days into the new year it might be a good idea to take a look at your New Year's resolutions and see where you stand....
Shopping for a new EHR software for your practice can be an exciting time. But, don't get too carried away with all of the good features...
Are you watching this season of The Bachelor, with Juan Pablo? Even if you aren't into reality TV, believe it or not there are a few things...
We spent all of January talking about New Year's resolutions for your practice, and what you should be doing to get your staff and optical...
We know that you've invested plenty of time and effort in making sure your optometry practice management software is as successful as it...
If you're making the move to an EHR software this year, we want to give you everything that you'll need to make the transition.
Something big is happening this year when it comes to insurance coding, and it's not too early to start preparing your staff for the big...
Big news for our existing VisionWeb Insurance customers! We've added Spectera Eyecare Networks to our online system of connected payers and...
With the new year well under way, it's time to evaluate how well you're keeping up with your New Year's resolutions. And for many people,...
There can be a lot of confusion when it comes to Meaningful Use. When do you start? What kind of EHR software do you need? What stage and...
A popular New Year's resolution is to spend more time reading. So with all of the reading you may be planning to do in the coming year, why...
With the start of the new year it's time to take a look back at the previous year and decide where you had successes and where you had...