Our Practice Management interface was built from the ground up to work seamlessly with our EHR, allowing you to have one comprehensive...
Providing good customer service in your dispensary is a critical step towards making a sale. But what makes good customer service? Some...
Word-of-mouth marketing can be one of the most effective marketing strategies for your optometric practice. According to this infographic...
Our peers over at EyeCarePro are experts in helping eyecare professionals market their products and services. Here's what they have to say...
The patient experience in your eyecare practice is an important one, which is why we are excited to share that we've made several...
The claims management lifecycle is a complex and detailed process. While electronic claims have reduced phone calls with payers, minimized...
The less time patients spend waiting around in your office, the happier they are and the more efficient your office workflow becomes....
Budget is probably the main reason you hesitate to purchase upgraded products for your practice. There might be a piece of furniture, a...
Not every practice has a seamless hand-off process. If you're noticing your staff frequently makes mistakes due to poor communication, it's...
Social media is always changing, making it hard to keep up with all of the different marketing trends. One social media tool that is here...
Managing your office workflow can be tricky, especially if you aren't sure where your workflow falls short. By monitoring certain...
If you're in the growth stages of your practice, attending events can help you seek new job opportunities, experience software demos, learn...
Sprucing up your practice usually requires a bit of spending. You could be searching for new decor, upgrading your technology, or keeping...
Every eyecare practice is bound to have an unhappy patient or customer online every now and again, no matter how efficient the workflow or...
We often discuss profitability in your practice when it comes to your dispensary, your staff, and your patient growth. However, we know...
It's hard to strike the right balance between involving your staff in decisions and brainstorming new ideas while also exercising your...