Electronic claim submission can be tedious. Check out our latest coding tip to help you stay efficient in your claim filing processes! When...
Here at VisionWeb we love spending quality time with our users at Optometry’s Meeting and Vision Expo. But we also love learning about cool...
Being able to file claims online - either through the insurance companies’s websites or through a clearinghouse that connects with various...
For any eyecare practice, efficiency is one of the key factors in becoming successful. That's why we've spent the past few years putting...
Have you enrolled for ERA through VisionWeb's ERA Management service? Why not? It's free! Take advantage of all the benefits of accessing...
Check out our newest coding tip to help out with your electonic claim uploading and processing! Are you familiar with when and how to use...
VisionWeb customers have come to enjoy the convenience associated with our claims processing services. But many practices that are...
Practice management systems typically are thought to better organize daily administrative processes; however, the optician practice...
Making the trip to New York City for International Vision Expo East is one of those trips that VisionWeb always looks forward to. Getting...
New in 2012 Coding Tip: There are a few CPT codes that have been deleted, and it is recommended that they no longer be used. Some deleted...
Online claim filing can be scary for an eyecare practice that is living in a fantasy world from the 20th century! But the truth is, many...
As most of you are aware, many of the key industry partners have experienced challenges related to the 5010 conversion. Those challenges...
You’ve heard the phrase “knowledge is power,” right? When it comes to managing insurance billing; knowledge is money! Efficient practices...
For every practice you refer to VisionWeb that enrolls in our insurance service, we will give you a $100 credit!*
Avoiding claim filing mistakes should be at the core of an eye care practice, yet it remains a daunting and frustrating task for many...